Thursday, August 11, 2011


“ This week I was expecting for God to show me something that would help me realize that I should be more thankful. I have become more thankful. I was touched by these kids, even though a lot of them attacked me. God wanted me to pray for those kids. The trip also helped be more prepared for the future.” – Aaron Napier

“ This week helped me realize that I need to be grateful for my parents, because I met one kid whose parents died. I am going to pray for him.” – Austin Napier

“ There was a girl who said that she didn’t have many clothes and you could tell she didn’t because she wore the same clothes both days she was there. It tore my heart apart seeing that” - Katie Palmer

“ I had the most adorable group of kids that have ever existed on the face of the Earth. There was Layla, Zamarie, Neveah, Deja, Nashyyamiah, and Kashia. Layla was my baby, she always wanted to sit on my lap and go everywhere with me and she was as cute as humanly possible, but you better believe this four year old can cuss you out in a heartbeat if something happens that she doesn’t like. Zamarie never stops moving. One moment he’s in his seat likes he’s supposed to be and the next he’s jumping off the stage or he’s on the balcony. He only has one outfit. Neveah is a total sweetheart. She loves playing with my hair because I have “white girl hair” and “that’s cool”. Deja, Nashyamiah, and Kashia are sisters. Neveah and Layla are their cousins. None of them share the same pair of parents though they’re less than a year apart. I know Neveah and Layla’s mom abuses alcolhol and drugs which they don’t understand why its wrong. These are just a few of my babies and I’m going to miss them like crazy. I cried when they all hugged me and said they would miss me” – Amber Smith

“ I saw a kid who was 4 and won a prize, but it was taken away. After they handed out backpacks, he saw a ball that fell out of my pocket and when I gave it to him, his smile was so BIG!” – Conner Lehman

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


“ I saw kids without clothes and children smelled so bad I could hardly stand it. At first I was agitated by the smell, but God melted my heart. I realized that no one chooses to smell that way. They rarely get to shower. That’s something I won’t soon forget.” – Ryan Lechien

“ This week was definitely a great and humbling experience for me. I am definitely more thankful for the stuff God has blessed me with. Seeing some of the kids and their lifestyles they lived made me feel really bad for them and like I should take everything I owned and give it all to them. I was glad the Lord had used me and gave me the strength to love these kids no matter how bad they got on my nerves. It was definitely hard, but I know that we had all touched kids hearts in some way and I pray that they will endure and remember and preach what they heard these past few days. I will never forget some of these kids faces and I will continue to pray for them.” –Noah Monsour

“ I had more fun on this trip than any other trip I’d ever been on. I feel so more connected to God an that this is something I would love to do for as long as possible. I realized that I really don’t have a tough life at all. I will have more respect for God, myself, and others.” – Montana Cherry

“I really realized that my life that I live day to day is wrong. I was not being thankful and not taking time to devote to God. On this trip, I saw a kid walking around the church with baseball cleats as his only shoes. I also realized I love working with kids and would like to use that gift for God.” – Grant Cason

“ This week there was this one girl who had scars and scratches up and down her arm and had holes all over her clothes. I decided just to sit down by her and talk a little to her and she said that she was born with this one big scar on her foot so she couldn’t walk. When everyone went up to dance I decided just to hold and just try to make her feel important and let her know that God is always with her and that makes me want to be so thankful for what I have and that I will start praying for each and every one of those kids. I hope she will remember me” – Carrie Napier

“ I had a great time! I hated to see the little kids cry… I gave them hugs because it made my heart melt to see their sad faces. I remember the first day on the bus to pick up the kids, I was nervous yet excited. Then a little girl took my job of pitting bracelets on the kids wrists. When we were handing out flyers I saw a baby girl far away from her house. She was wearing only a diaper. There was glass and sticks and there was a road nearby and she could have got severally hurt. It made me want to cry. Then her mom came by and she was nice. WOW!” – Mody Monsour

“ I was nervous about going on my first missions trip, not knowing what to expect. But being with the kids made me feel at home. I loved being with them and seeing them smile at the simplest things. It made me appreciate my life so much more.” – Michelle McClure

“ I was taking way to much for granted before this trip and now I have a lot of respect for the things I have. What touched me was the condition of a lot of these people and in how they didn’t take as much for granted as we do.” – Trace McKnight

“ I was changed by one boy. He opened my eyes to how I should help people and give stuff to them. The boy helped me see that. The boy was a person, not a little kid with nothing. He taught me that we should help everyone because everyone deserves a chance.” – Jade Sneed